Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sensory Overload

Quote: " I believe that more and more, we are defining out environments not as the spaces themselves, in terms of the buildings to architecture, but rather by the objects and devices that we buy and surround ourselves with… I would like that message to carry through universally," Seymour said.

1.  I feel like what it saying is that to really nourish our environment and not to go crazy by building all of these buildings, but to reserve it because nature is a really important thing to our everyday lives.

I would agree with this statement because I feel like a lot of people do not really notice how much land they are taking up until it is all gone.

I really love how in pretty much all of the photos there are really nice pops of color in it with really makes the pictures stand out, and look really cool. But that is the thing I like how color can make such a difference in photography to bring that attention to amazing photos.

2. No, because it would probably feel to crowded in those little stores. But some of the objects that they are selling I guess I wouldn't think of people buying to where they need a whole store.

3. They would probably be really bored being stuck in those little stores, waiting for customers to come in to buy something. Because I know I would not want to be in there.

4. My favorite photo was the store with all the flowers because I really love flowers, how they are so pretty. I kinda have an obsession with flowers, because they are so pretty to look at.

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