Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Other High School Newspapers

1. The Sailor's Log was my favorite because I thought the layout was neat and organized. I also liked the colors too, because they weren't too bright, yet still caught my attention.
2. The Sailor's Log caught my attention because it had a cool, unique title, and the layout was really cool.
3. My favorite title was the "Choir Accompanist Criminal Charges still Pending" because it made me want to know more about what had happened at that specific high school.
4. There were three stories on the front page of that newspaper.
5. Newspaper share certain similarities, some being that they usually most of the time have a very small font to fit the title and the pictures, and that the titles are usually at the top, horizontal.
6. Things that can be different with newspapers can be the different types or fonts of the titles. Or maybe that there can be only one big picture, maybe three or more.
7. These newspapers are different from the ones from around the world because they are most of the time are supposed to have a different style.

Broadsheets 3 or more stories on the front cover

Tabloid 2 or less stories on the front

NewsMagazine No story, only photo that may be glossy inside, or newsprint

Elements on a Newspaper front page

Headlines Heading for any piece of writing in a newspaper, or titling for a picture   

Subheadlines An additional sentence immediately following the headline

Lines A line following the subheading and headline giving the author's name 

Boxes Part of a newspaper enclosed in borders

Photos A picture or pictures relating to the story or headline in a newspaper

Teaser A line or headline promoting an article inside the newspaper

Flag Used to indicate the location of the article

Folios A credit line referencing where the information comes from 

Captions Explaining the setup in a picture in a newspaper

Stories Explaining current events for the newspaper

Bylines Short phrase including the name of the author 

Jumps Identifying the page on which a story is continued

Story dividers 

Screens To reduce the color photograph, a screen is placed between the film and the paper

Infographics Used to show the weather in newspapers
Masthead/staff box A list of information about the newspaper's publishers.

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