Friday, December 18, 2015

Fall Final

1. The woman wrote something that made people feel more inclined to help the man.
2. I was like "woah," it made me feel like my choice of words can have an influence on my life.
3. To show us that our choice of words plays a huge role in peoples interest to read the paper.
4. We can use more pathos in our words to make readers want to read.
5. The Guardian covered the story of the three little pigs in 3 or 4 different ways.
6. No, the story is different from how I remember it as a final.
7. They interviewed police men, the wolf's doctor, and other credible people.
8. They covered the wolf's side as well as they covered all the background and purpose.
9. Yes, there were a few aspects of the pigs story that were not covered.
10. The Guardian never covered the three little pigs opinions of what happened, they were guilty, not the wolf.
11. Yes we can do this for events on our campus.
12. I can find out whats going on, daily, in the student life.
13. This year, being on newspaper staff, I have learned the amount of extra time, work, and dedication the newspaper requires. I have learned its not as easy as some people think.
14. Next semester I can try to manage my time more efficiently to get my assignments done on time.
15. I think the work load should be spread out more, like as an editor, I got assigned to write 3 stories (after mentioning my preference for photography) I also signed up to take photos for the paper and had to fulfill my editing job so I think there should be a better system of distribution for tasks. Also, staff relations should be more comfortable. I feel like everyone has a few people who they associate well with and then aren't as comfortable with everyone else as they are with those few, I think everyone should have some sort of bond in order to be able to communicate better.