This is one of my favorite pictures because it looks like a
bunch of silhouettes and Skrillex makes the photo come alive.
I love this picture because I feel like it would've been a
really awesome experience and I just think its a spectacular
moment to have been captured.
This photo is another favorite because I have a really big passion for the sky and sun and moon, and I have always been a city girl, so i feel like this photo reflects my interests, on some degree. The street lights five the photo a nice, soft touch and the sun is perfectly aligned between the train carts, so I really like this picture.
Habits(Stay High)- Tove Lo
As a music fanatic, making a "favorite" song choice was very difficult, however, seeing this title repeatedly along the sites of 2014's best, it dawned on me how much I actually do like this song. Habits is very upbeat and catchy, yet mature. The song definitely makes you wanna sing along and even sway to the music. Also, the fact that there have been so many remixes in 2014 alone shows their is quality in the song.
This is one of my favorite movies of 2014. I have watched it over and over because I just love it so much. This movie is one of my favorites because it depicts society in a very unique form. The prejudice, discrimination, and segregation is evident within the society so I really like the way Tris shows independence.
News Story
I chose this as the best news story of 2014 just because of how popular it became in a matter of hours. Overnight, photographs from this shoot were all over the place, didn't break the internet but still managed to spread globally. The fact that it spread faster than most of the news in 2014, is what makes it best.
Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield were amongst the most important people of the year. The power couple decided to use their fame to promote charities and help organizations that are out for a good cause. I chose the couple because they are taking advantage of their fame in one of the most positive ways possible; to help others. With all the frenzy from the release of Spiderman 2 in the summer of 2014, they had paparazzi on their backs year round, using their exploits to benefit others makes them the best of the year.
Entertainment Person
Youtuber and author, John Green, was a really big deal in 2014. A movie based on his novel The Fault in Our Stars, debuted in early 2014, only 2 years from the release date of the novel. John Green quickly became known all around the U.S., and soon enough, his fame spread throughout the globe. What makes him the best entertainment person is the fact that he still remains so humble despite all his glory, and that he has stayed true to himself and his youtube channel through all the highs of his career.
My Holiday
This holiday two things I will never forget happened to me, for christmas I got a macbook, which I was really exciting for me.The Day after christmas, I was surprised with a visit from my sister, she flew up to Texas from Florida and we had a really nice time.
I didn't make any resolutions for the new year.
I am looking forward to getting closer to the day I move back home, to Florida.